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Lithology logs - Interval
SVG litholog:
Edit litholog:
New Interval:
1 : 1
1 : 2
1 : 5
1 : 10
1 : 20
1 : 25
1 : 50
1 : 100
1 : 150
1 : 200
1 : 250
1 : 500
. Gravel 1
. Gravel 1, volcanic
. Conglomerate 1
. Conglomerate 1, volcanic
. Gravel 2
. Conglomerate 2
. Conglomerate, crossbedded
. Gravel, crossbedded
. Till or diamicton
. Till or diamicton, volcanic
. Breccia 1
. Breccia 1, volcanic
. Breccia 2
. Sand or Sandstone, massive
. Sand or Sandstone, massive, volcanic
. Sand or Sandstone, bedded
. Sand or Sandstone, bedded, volcanic
. Sand or Sandstone, crossbedded
. Sand or Sandstone, crossbedded, volcanic
. Sand or Sandstone 2, crossbedded
. Sand or Sandstone 2, crossbedded, volcanic
. Sand or Sandstone, ripple-bedded
. Sand or Sandstone, ripple-bedded, volcanic
. Sandstone, argillaceous or shaley
. Sandstone, argillaceous or shaley, volcanic
. Sandstone, calcareous
. Sandstone, calcareous, volcanic
. Sandstone, dolomitic
. Sandstone, dolomitic, volcanic
. Loess
. Silt, Siltstone, or Silty Shale
. Silt, Siltstone, or Silty Shale, volcanic
. Siltstone, calcareous
. Siltstone, calcareous, volcanic
. Dolomitic Siltstone
. Dolomitic Siltstone, volcanic
. Shale, sandy or silty
. Shale, sandy or silty, volcanic
. Clay
. Shale
. Shale, volcanic
. Biosiliceous Mud
. Mud, biosiliceous
. Shale, dolomitic
. Shale, dolomitic, volcanic
. Mud, calcareous
. Calcareous mud
. Shale, carbonaceous
. Shale, carbonaceous, volcanic
. Oil Shale
. Shale, oil
. Chalk
. Limestone
. Limestone, clastic
. Limestone, Fossiliferous Clastic
. Limestone, nodular or irregularly bedded
. Limestone, Irregular (burrow) Fillings of Saccharoidal Dolomite
. Limestone, crossbedded
. Limestone, Cherty Crossbedded
. Limestone, cherty and sandy crossbedded clastic
. Limestone, oolitic
. Limestone, sandy
. Limestone, silty
. Limestone, argillaceous or shaly
. Limestone 1, cherty
. Limestone 2, cherty
. Limestone, dolomitic, or Dolomite, limy
. Dolomite, limy, or Limestone, dolomitic
. Dolomite
. Dolomite, crossbedded
. Dolomite, oolitic
. Dolomite, sandy
. Dolomite, silty
. Dolomite, argillaceous or shaley
. Dolomite, cherty
. Biosiliceous Ooze
. Ooze, biosiliceous
. Chert 2, bedded
. Chert, fossiliferous bedded
. Fossiliferous Rock
. Diatomaceous Rock
. Diatomaceous Ooze
. Ooze, diatomaceous
. Sandstone, subgraywacke
. Sandstone, subgraywacke, volcanic
. Sandstone,crossbedded subgraywacke
. Sandstone,crossbedded subgraywacke, volcanic
. Sandstone, ripple-bedded subgraywacke
. Sandstone, ripple-bedded subgraywacke, volcanic
. Peat
. Coal
. Coal, bony or impure
. Underclay
. Flint Clay
. Bentonite
. Glauconite
. Limonite
. Siderite
. Phosphatic Rock
. Gypsum
. Salt
. Siltstone and Sandstone, interbedded
. Siltstone and Sandstone, interbedded, volcanic
. Sandstone and Siltstone, interbedded
. Sandstone and Shale, interbedded
. Shale and Sandstone, interbedded
. Shale and Sandstone, interbedded, volcanic
. Shale and Ripple-bedded Sandstone, interbedded
. Ripple-bedded Sandstone and Shale, interbedded
. Ripple-bedded Sandstone and Shale, interbedded, volcanic
. Shale and Ripple-bedded Sandstone, interbedded, volcanic
. Silty Limestone and Shale, interbedded (shale dominant)
. Shale and Silty Limestone, interbedded (shale dominant)
. Limestone and Shale, interbedded (shale dominant) 1
. Shale and Limestone, interbedded (shale dominant) 1
. Shale and Limestone, interbedded (shale dominant) 2
. Limestone and Shale, interbedded (shale dominant) 2
. Calcareous Shale and Limestone, interbedded (shale dominant)
. Limestone and Calcareous Shale, interbedded (shale dominant)
. Silty Limestone and Shale, interbedded
. Shale and Silty Limestone, interbedded
. Shale and Limestone, interbedded 1
. Limestone and Shale, interbedded 1
. Limestone and Shale, interbedded 2
. Shale and Limestone, interbedded 2
. Limestone and Shale, interbedded (limestone dominant)
. Shale and Limestone, interbedded (limestone dominant)
. Limestone and Calcareous Shale, interbedded
. Calcareous Shale and Limestone, interbedded
Metamorphic-rock, igneous-rock, and vein-matter, volcanic
. Metamorphism
. Quartzite
. Slate
. Granite, schistose or gneissoid
. Schist
. Mixed
. Schist and Gneiss
. Gneiss
. Gneiss, contorted
. Soapstone, Talc and Serpentinite
. Tuffaceous Rock
. Tuff, crystal
. Tuff, devitrified
. Volcanic Breccia and Tuff
. Volcanic Breccia and Agglomerate
. Zeolitic Rock
. Basaltic Flows
. Granite 2
. Banded Igneous Rock
. Igneous Rock 1
. Igneous Rock 2
. Igneous Rock 3
. Igneous Rock 4
. Igneous Rock 5
. Igneous Rock 6
. Igneous Rock 7
. Igneous Rock 8
. Porphyritic Rock 1
. Porphyritic Rock 2
. Vitrophyre
. Quartz
. Ore
Tip: change the 'pattern' option below to get more/other lithology patterns.
Pattern Set:
Shell Standleg
Grain size:
Clay 9
Clay 8
Silt 7
Silt 6
Silt 5
Silt 4
Very fine sand
Fine sand
Medium sand
Course sand
Very course sand
Very fine gravel
Fine gravel
Medium gravel
Course gravel
Very course gravel
Cobble 7
Cobble 8
Boulder 9
Boulder 10
Boulder 11
Boulder 12
Clay 9
Clay 8
Silt 7
Silt 6
Silt 5
Silt 4
Very fine sand
Fine sand
Medium sand
Course sand
Very course sand
Very fine gravel
Fine gravel
Medium gravel
Course gravel
Very course gravel
Cobble 7
Cobble 8
Boulder 9
Boulder 10
Boulder 11
Boulder 12
Base contact:
not recovered
Indent line / Tie point:
Grain size:
Clay 9
Clay 8
Silt 7
Silt 6
Silt 5
Silt 4
Very fine sand
Fine sand
Medium sand
Course sand
Very course sand
Very fine gravel
Fine gravel
Medium gravel
Course gravel
Very course gravel
Cobble 7
Cobble 8
Boulder 9
Boulder 10
Boulder 11
Boulder 12